
HomeMy Projects

About PandaBot

Pandabot is my latest project. The project can be divided into three parts - a Discord bot, web dashboard, and an API service. Each part is made with Javascript/TypeScript. All of this is deployed on a VPS using Docker and docker-compose.

The repository for this is currently closed source but, if you are an employer feel free to contact me to request more information about the source code.

Discord Bot

Everything in this stack is built for and around this bot. Currently, it is a utility bot for Discord server owners to augment their community with information. The main feature right now is being able to create embed presets, publish them into channels, and update them without needing to repost them.

Future plans for this bot include a range of moderation features, role management, and potentially a custom command system.


Sometimes, typing is hard. Although Discord has recently added a whole range of new ways to interact with users it isn't always easy getting things done from within a text chat context. The dashboard is being made to mitigate these problems as much as possible, and create great user experiences for configuring and interacting with the bot.

API Service

A NestJS API service that powers both dashboard and bot in this stack. At this moment in time it is a single monolithic API service that handles data going in and out of a PostgreSQL database.

In the future I plan to overhaul the backend of this stack with microservices that communicate updates to each other using an event bus.

Key Technologies

  • DiscordJS
  • Docker
  • NestJS
  • NextJS
  • Prisma.io
  • ReactJS
  • TypeScript